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Method of Vermicomposting

EARTHWORMS SPECIES USED FOR VERMICOMPOSTING More than 3000 species of earthworm has been discovered…

Growing media for plants

INTRODUCTION A growing media is a substance in which plant are grow without soil based medium, the…


INTRODUCTION As you know earthworm is known as farmer friends, If a farmer seen more number of eart…

Pomegranate cultivation

INTRODUCTION Pomegranate is an important fruit crop of semi-arid & arid region. It can survival…

Citrus crop management

MRIG FLOWERING AND FRUITING  MANAGEMENT  In month of June-July flowering start, if irrigation facil…

Tuberose cultivation guideline

INTRODUCTION Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) is most beautiful and fragrance flower because of there…

Gerbera cultivation

INTRODUCTION Gerbera ( Gerbera jamesonii ) is most popular cut flower in the world in fifth positi…

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