Gerbera ( Gerbera jamesonii ) is most popular cut flower in the world in fifth position after rose, carnation, chrysanthemum and tulip. Gerbera daisies can means cheerfulness, innocence and purity. They are mostly used as decorative purpose and for bouquets and so on. They are available in wide range of colours, shape and size of flower also having long lasting vase life.SOIL
It play a vital role for successfully cultivation of Gerbera, following point should be considered as-
- The soil should be well drained highly porous for better root development, the root of gerbera goes depth up to 55-70 cm.
- The soil having pH range between 5.5 to 6.5 should be maintain for better plant growth.
- Salinity level of soil should not be more than 1mS/cm.
- It can grow in a day temperature of 22-25°c and night temperature between 12-15°c.
- Also having a photoperiod of 7-8 hr is sufficient with CO2 level 700ppm.
- The ideal temperature for flower initiation is 23°c and for leaf unfolding is 25-27°c.
- flower is harmed below 12°c ( Bud initiation will stop) and above 35°c flower production is very low.
- Pink- Samara
- White- White house
- Red- Ankur, Ruby
- Yellow- Brilliance
- Orange- Goliath
- Cream- Snow flake, Winter queen
It is propagated through seed and from vegetative propagation through division and cutting. Now a day demand of tissue culture plants are increasing.
1. Cutting- The buds in the axils of the leave are detach and rooted.
- The rooting plant are ready for transplanting in 9-12 weeks.
- 45-55 plants can be produce from a single mother plant.
Gerbera are commercially grow on raised beds, the dimension of the bed should be as follows-
- Bed height- 45-50 cm (1.5 feet)
- Bed width- 65-70 cm (2.13 feet)
- Pathway between bed- 30-35 cm (1 feet)
Follow the given chat:
- Make it porous, well drained and provide good aeriation to roots.
Red Soil |
60% |
55% |
Sand |
10% |
15% |
30% |
30% |
Rice husk |
3 kg/sq.m |
4 kg/sq.m |
There are various method of soil sterilization are-
- Sun- Covering the bed with plastic for about 6-8 weeks. By this practice soil heat up which kill most of the fungus, nematode, bacteria, insects etc.
- Chemical- Seed bed sterilization with hydrogen peroxide with silver 35ml/lit. Spray 1 lit in 1 sq. meter, after spray cover the bed with plastic for 3-4 hours after that plantation should be done in 4-6 hours.
Plantation should be done as follows-
- Row to row spacing------- 37cm (1.2 feet)
- Plant to plant spacing------- 30cm (1 feet)
- Plantation of plant 30% above the soil and 70% below the soil.
- Plantation should be done in month of Jan-Mar or in month of Jun-July, note that a good light is required at the time of plantation.
10 kg FYM, 20 gm Nitrogen, 20 gm Phosphorus and 15 gm Potash per sq. meter at the time of plantation, give 10 gm Nitrogen, 15 gm Phosphorus and 20 gm Potash per sq. meter for 3 months at monthly interval.
Apply N:P:K 19:19:19 at the time of vegetative phase along with Humic Acid for better root developments.
Apply N:P:K 13:00:45 before and after flowering also give application of Nitrobenzene for good flowering.
Application of micronutrients should be give according the requirements.
Apply N:P:K 19:19:19 at the time of vegetative phase along with Humic Acid for better root developments.
Apply N:P:K 13:00:45 before and after flowering also give application of Nitrobenzene for good flowering.
Application of micronutrients should be give according the requirements.
- After plantation immediately irrigated the plant with overhead irrigation for 2-3 week for uniform root development.
- Then irrigate the plant with drip irrigation system, generally one drip per plant on an average water requirement 500-700 ml per/plant/day.
- Watering the plant always before 12 AM in morning.
- Irrigated the plant once in 2 or 3 day give sufficient water as per the requirement of plants.
- For gerbera cultivation quality of water should have-
- Potential of hydrogen (pH) of 6.5 to 7.0.
- Total dissolve solid should be less than 400 ppm.
- Water hardness should be less than 200 ppm.
- Emulsifiable concentration should be less than 0.7.
- First harvesting should be done 3 month after plantation.
- Flower are harvest when 2-3 whorl of stamen have entirely developed also flower having a diameter of 10-12 cm and stock length of 45-55 cm.
- Pluck the flower only in morning before 12 AM and after evening.
- Flower are pluck rather than cutting.
- Cut angular stem heel and put the flower in cold water of 3-4 cm add citric acid @4-5ml/lit or sodium hypochlorite @8-10 ml/lit.
- Sleeves the plant individual, sleeve diameter of 4.5*4.5 inch and make a bundle of 10 flowers.
- Then pack the flower in box for selling.
- On an averages 244 flower sq. m/year approximately 6 plant per sq.meter.
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