Dragon fruit (Hylocereus sp.) a most beautiful fruit of cactaceae family with beautiful flower also know as "Queen of the Night" because it flower open only at night. It is native to Southern Mexico and Central America. Major dragon producing countries are Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, India etc. Out of these three major countries Vietnam, China and Indonesia contribute 93% of dragon fruit production of the worlds. In India it is cultivated in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana , Rajasthan, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh etc. The fruit are delicious in test with rich in Antioxidant and fiber which give potential yield up to 30 years with good management practices.
- It can grow on a wide range of climatic condition include water scarcity and high temperature.
- It required a average temperature range from 20-38°C and plant damage above 40°C.
- It can grow up to the altitudes of 1700 m and having annual rainfall of 500-1450 mm. Excess rainfall is not suitable because it cause flower dropping problem.
- It can grow on wide range of soil from sandy, loam. However, the soil should be rich in organic matter with good drainage.
- It can grow in slightly acidic soil having pH range between 5.5-6.5.
- It is propagated through seed and stem cutting.
- Generally 20-25 cm long stem are use for plantation the cutting should be prepare after fruiting season.
- The cutting should be ready for plantation after 5 month.
- Seed is not used for commercial multiplication because the plant produce from seed are not true to type and required 10 - 12 month for plantation.
- Hylocereus Selenicereus (Yellow skin, white flesh)
- Hylocereus Polyrhizus (Red skin, red flesh )
- Hylocereus Undatus (Red skin, white flesh )
- Hylocereus Costaricensis (Red skin, purple flesh)
- Plantation should be done in month of June - August.
- A special structure are used for plantation which are concrete pole having a length of 1.5-2 m and top concrete ring.
- Plantation bed having 45-55 cm height.
- In a pole 2-4 plant is planted depend on Argo climatic condition.
- Plantation should be done in square system having spacing of 3*3 meter.
- Plantation of 4 Plant per plant about 300- 400 concert pole and 1200-1600 plant is required.
- The plant does not required much more irrigation, it can survived under water stress condition.
- In summer, it required a minimum 2 - 4 liter water weekly per plant is sufficient however, it may be change according to soil types.
- Generally Drip irrigation system is better for water and nutrient management.
Note: Flood irrigation must be avoid create problem of flower dropping.
- At the time of plantation 10-12 kg FYM and 90-100 g SSP/plant is required, from plantation to initial two year about 300g N, 200g P and 200g k is required in 2 split doses.
- The mature plant dose increase by giving 500g N, 700g P and 300g k in 3-4 equal split dose with interval of 2-3 months.
- In dragon plant under irrigated condition intercropping is possible intercropping with vegetables such as cabbage, tomato, brinjal etc.
- In rainy season weed problem is seen, it can be control by spraying herbicide in 25-30 day interval.
- Fruiting is start 1 year after plantation or sometime fruiting is start 5 month after plantation. Flowering is done in July-October in 5-8 flush.
- Sometime flowering occurring in month of April.
- Dragon plant bear fruit 4-5 month in year also has ability to produce fruit round the year.
- Dragon plant is tolerant to disease and pests, but few diseases is observed such as Anthracnose, Stem rots and Brown sports it can be prevent by spraying fungicides like carbendazim or mancozeb 2g/l of water and rotten disease can be control by COC 2g/l. and insect such as scale insect, mealy bugs, termites etc can be easily control with good management practices.
- The ideal period for harvesting fruit between June to September harvesting should be done 3-4 time in a month.
- The fruit weight from 300-750 g from 2-3 year old orchids.
- Harvesting the fruit when bright green skin of immature fruit turn into red, select the mature fruit only for harvesting.
- Yield on an average 25-30 kg fruit from single post from 2-3 year old plantation.
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