- In month of June-July flowering start, if irrigation facilities are available then take it.
- At the time of flowering give foliar application of GA3 1gm + urea 1kg in 100lit of water to reduce flowering drop.
- In some orchard vegetative growth flush are seen with no flowering. In such cases give spray of chlorequat chloride 2000ppm (commercially available formulation of 4ml per liter of water) thrice in July month with 10 days interval each.
- If rain recives in second fortnight of July and August for late flowering orchard, give fertilizer application of 300gm Nitrogen, 200gm Phosphorous, 200gm Potash twice in a month of August and September.
- To increase fruit size in late flowering orchard give foliar application of monopotassiumphosphate (00-52-34) or DAP at a rate of 1.5kg along with Gibberellic acid 15ppm in 100 liter of water at a monthly interval in August and September.
- If fruit drop causes in month of August and September due to the attack of fungus colletotrichumgloeosporiodes and if fruit drop cause in month of December and January cause by fungus alternaria citri then control for both of this by spraying 2,4-D (10 ppm) along with Aureofungin(20 ppm) and zinc phosphate(0.05%) prevent fruit dropping problem.
- If citrus psylla incidence is seen spray any of them following insecticide thimethoxam @0.3g/l or dimethoate 1.5ml/l or imidacloprid 0.5ml/l .
- Against citrus thrips spray spinosad @1.5ml/l or imidacloprid 0.5ml/l .
- Dicofol @1.5ml/l or propargite @1ml/l or wettable sulphur @3g/l against citrus mites.
- Installed fruit fly traps for attrating male moth in month of September.
- If a farmer having good irrigation facility, take ambia bahar in month of February give irrigation at least 45-65 litre of water per plant per day.
- In none bearing plant pruning may be done.
- At the time of flowering give foliar application of GA3 1gm + urea 1kg in 100lit of water to reduce flowering drop.
- To increase fruit size in late flowering orchard give foliar application of monopotassiumphosphate (00-52-34) or DAP at a rate of 1.5kg along with Gibberellic acid 15ppm in 100 liter of water at a monthly interval.
- If fruit drop causes in month of May-June is due to insufficient care and fruit drop in month of August -September due to attack of fungus colletotrichumgloeosporiodes spray 2,4-D (10 ppm) along with Aureofungin(20 ppm) and zinc phosphate(0.05%) prevent fruit dropping problem.
- If citrus psylla incidence is seen spray any of them following insecticide thimethoxam @0.3g/l or dimethoate 1.5ml/l or imidacloprid 0.5ml/l .
- Against citrus thrips spray spinosad @1.5ml/l or imidacloprid 0.5ml/l .
- Dicofol @1.5ml/l or propargite @1ml/l or wettable sulphur @3g/l against citrus mites.
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